Tips & Tricks

The Smart Copy Affiliate Program is the quickest way for you to unlock a new revenue stream for you and your business.

Affiliate marketing is a strategy as old as the internet. Whether you're a long-term user of Smart Copy, a passionate affiliate marketer or an AI enthusiast, this program helps you monetize your audience and influence.

But of course, loving a tool isn’t the same thing as selling it. That’s where this guide comes in. I’ve rounded up some of my favorite tips for dominating affiliate marketing for Smart Copy — or any software tool for that matter.

Emails and lead capture

Whether you’re selling Smart Copy through a blog, Google Ads, social media, or just good old-fashioned sales/recommendations, you need email addresses. Capturing emails gives you multiple opportunities to engage an audience, rather than just one. Learn how to capture leads here.


There’s a reason so many sophisticated companies develop a social media following: it works. If you have the time to do it, social media is yet another touchpoint to engage your biggest fans — the people most likely to buy your recommended products.

Keyword research

If you want to sell a product via blogging and SEO, you can’t write about just any old topic. You need to do keyword research so that your content is relevant to the audience you’re selling to. You need to do tons of keyword research.

Start a blog

There are a lot of ways to get affiliate leads. But paid strategies cost money. Blogging is great because it’s nearly free to get leads if done properly.


Backlinks are trust signals. Google will rank your content higher if you have relevant backlinks to your content. Getting them is super straightforward, but it takes dedication.


If you’re already getting super targeted traffic to your site via SEO, Google Ads, or something else entirely, you should remarket to that audience. Remarketing has one of the highest ROIs of any ad channel.

Trust and knowledge

It's about your own experience using AI copywriting tools. When you write, bring your uniquely informed perspective on the best tools out there. You need to do your homework and deliver a polished blog post if you want to convince Google (and your audience) to read your post and buy your recommended product.

Grind and hustle

To be honest, most people who start doing affiliate marketing fail. It’s not because they’re not smart. This stuff isn’t rocket science, anyway. Most fail because they don’t work hard. Don’t be one of those people.